About XAT Exam - XLRI Admission Test
Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is a national level aptitude test
conducted in India by XLRI whereas XLRI is officially known as Xavier Labour
Relations Institute. It is a business school located in Jamshedpur, state of
Jharkhand in India.
If you are seeking MBA from XAT then, you need to appear for
XAT exam. XLRI has been conducting entrance exam nearly close to six decades.
This entrance debt is recognized for MBA and PGDM programs in business schools related
with Xavier Association of Management Institute (XAMI).
In 2013 XAT was a 3 hours long term exam. It was divided
into two sections. First paper consists of 3 sections those are quantitative ability,
data interpretation and logic reasoning skills, verbal ability (English) with
multiple choice questions for 2 hours and 20 minutes.
The second paper is for 40 minutes that is based on general
awareness and essay questions. XAT is similar to the Common Admission Test (CAT)
and it is conducted by IIMs. But, in Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) CAT has no essays
and General awareness section.
XLRI Jamshedpur consists of many programmes those are Business Management (BM), Personal Management
and Industrial Relations (PMIR) and General Management Program (GMP).The PMIR
program has been renamed as Human Resource Management (HRM).
XAT scores are considered by other respected MBA institutes
such as Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar, Xavier Institute of Management
and Entrepreneurship from Bangalore, XLRI Jamshedpur School of Management of Jamshedpur,
Xavier Institute of Management and Research of Mumbai etc. for selection of candidates
to their relevant courses.
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